Sunday, October 16, 2011

What's Up

{My Birthday Banner}

My girls are so good to me.
They made this beautiful banner for my Birthday.
Much to my astonishment I woke to cheerful, smiling, nicely groomed children holding handmade cards and delicately wrapped gifts.
I was reaching to pinch myself just as Kaili precociously offered her gift.
"Open mine first Mom!"
It was a box from her vanity that she kept special jewelry and keepsakes in.
I thought of a Christmas Song about a boy wanting to buy his sick mother
something special but he had no money.
I knew no one had told my girls to give me gifts.
They wanted to make me feel special.
Just as in years past, they each gave their most meaningful possession.
To Kaili, it was a necklace with a cell phone pendant inscribed
"What's Up."
I will be wearing it to church today.