Friday, October 7, 2011

Little Sister, Big Sister

{Kennedy and Kaili in sunflower patch outback}

This picture is giving me a brain fart.
Since Kennedy and Kaili were babies people thought they were twins.
{Kennedy has always been super tall for her age.}
I am sure it didn't help that I dressed them alike as of a year ago.
My Granny would get so mad at me and say,
"They need to have their own identity!"

Frankly, it was just easier to get two of the same thing.
Does that make me a lousy mother?
Those were in the days of my survival.

Edwin had just quit his job to start Dean Douglas,
which required long days and even-longer nights.
We sold our home and moved into a tiny two bedroom apartment.
I had a baby, another baby, and pregnant with, you guessed it, a baby!
All our belongings were in a hot storage unit in the parking lot.
I was exhausted and nauseous from lugging groceries and babies up flights of stairs,
then opening the door to a powerful musty stench seeping from the shower drain.
I would quickly pour Drano down the choky then lean over the toilet and throw-up.

It wasn't too bad, once I got the hang of it.
Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for my beautiful home and
a husband to cook dinner for.
I appreciate trials and the strength that comes only by passing through them.