Monday, October 24, 2011

A Shout Out


4:00 a.m. this morning I woke to the sound of water hitting the wood floor.
I quickly got up and realized it was Dede, throwing up.
{I know, not anything you care to imagine.}

We walked back to her room only to find her bed linens in the washer,
dresser covered with cups of water, tissues, crackers, and countless vials of Pepto.
The carpet had been sanitized with the amazing Mr. Bissell
and a fresh breeze was blowing from the nearby opened window.
Her father had lovingly taken care of her through the night.

To My Darling,

Thank you for tending to our sick love child.
You really know how to make your girls feel special.
Like the other night when you let me wax your eyebrows and other fun areas.
You always believe me when I promise, this time it's not too hot.
{Sorry, still working on that... Focus on the results, amazing eh?}
I have especially enjoyed watching you build the grape arbor in our garden.
You even take off your shirt when I ask.
You truly are the best!

Your Love.