Friday, December 9, 2011

Taking Chances

This picture was taken 5 years ago this Christmas.
I am sure you noticed Kaili's self bang cut.
Aside from that, they were the most precious little girls.
I loved when life was simple and I had them to myself all day.
Just me and ma' girls.

Today Edwin and I picked them up from dance together.
We haven't had a lot of 'alone' time recently so we take any chance we can get.
As King slept- snoring in his car seat, we talked about these sweet girls of ours.
We talked about their talents, the things they enjoy and make them laugh.
Edwin told me how proud he is of them and that they are the absolute light of his life.

Then I adoringly gazed into his bright blue eyes and added
that they are blessed to have each other.
That's when he disclosed they were blessed with a caring, wonderfully voluptuous mother.
And I rendered they had a kind, strong, manly father.
Then we pulled over.
The End.