Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Gingerbread House Competition


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{Glue guns are permitted}

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{Tasting is required}

And the winners are...
Most Charming award goes to Kaili and her lovely Mrs. Claus Cottage.
Kendra received the Sugar-and-Spice award on the colorful candied masterpiece.
Artist of the Year goes to Kingston's bold trend setting design.
Last but not least, Kennedy won the Delectable award for tasting and using every piece of candy available.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Countdown: The Nutcracker


Remember that surprise I had for the Children-
I planned a special night out in the big city to see the Nutcracker Ballet perform to a live orchestra at the Phoenix Symphony Hall.
I still remember how magical that experience was for me and I couldn't wait to share it with them.

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{Kingston popping his collar}


We were escorted to our seats and soon learned that we were to join the amazing
Sugar Plum Fairy's very own mother.
She was most gracious and lovely in a dreamy sort of way.
The girls couldn't keep their hands off of her.
Sugar Plum Fairy Mother said that one day, they too would be Fairies.

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Kingston's favorite parts were Uncle Drosselmeyer's Dancing Dolls.
The Prince's Battle with Mouse King.


Coming up-
Our annual Gingerbread House competition.
Papa and Grandma Lamont's Christmas Eve party.
Patterson Family Christmas day activities.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

From Our Family to Yours


Here is a little sneak peak of our Christmas card.
This year we were lucky enough to take pictures very close to our property,
which makes them much more meaningful to me.

I am also happy to announce that I am officially done Christmas shopping.
Now for the wrapping-
Just in time for the Grandkids Christmas Overnight Camp that Grandma Lamont puts on.
Did you know that my mother is one talented lady?
She started by making memories and traditions special for her friends, children then grandchildren and now writes columns for large Parenting Magazines and popular blogs.
She can put on a reception like you've never seen in 1 month flat.
Trust me!

To check her out visit Grandmaslittlepearls.com
I am so lucky she is my mother.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Santa Baby

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Going to the Doctor isn't fun.
When your pediatrician is Dr. Suess {Smith} it's a treat.
We rolled out of the hills early this morning and braced the full blown winter storm.
Kennedy was unusually quiet but managed to instruct me to never get rid of Dr. Suess,
even if we were living in Paris.

An hour later, {he is so SO worth it} we checked in and were taken
back to the observation room.
Dr. Suess walked in with that big jolly grin he always has plastered to his face-
telling a joke, as usual, with a solid punch line that makes us laugh
and lightens the mood.
Noticing the feather in Kennedy's hair and he asked if she was
growing feathers like her chickens.

After several minutes of observing, poking, swabbing, telling embarrassing stories of me when I was little and a positive Streptococcus specimen we were on our way.
Not without stopping for a promised slushy and woodland creature from Anthropologie of course.


To my Mr. Patterson,

Alas, the Christmas list you have been wishing for.
I have added pictures and links for your convenience and ultimate shopping experience.


Ambiance Jars for my makeup vanity would be lovely.
Here, here, and here.

You Ear-Muff Hear This in Beat

Ear muff head phones would keep me toasty
on those cold morning jogs.


Rose Perfume so I can smell just like sweet old Sister Jones.
She was such a beautiful southern belle.

A Classic Greek Bust for my dressing table,
to display the priceless string of pearls you gave me on our first wedding anniversary.

Frye Women's Veronica Slch WideCalf Boot

Black Leather Riding Boots. For all my riding needs.

Hobnail Cake Plates

Minty green Hobnail Cake Plates would make a perfect addition to the vintage inspired Mason, like this {mace-on}, dining room. I could pile atop those power muffins you so love.

The Sharper ImageĀ® Quad Roller Dual Action Shiatsu Massage Cushion
Maybe a Shiatsu Massage Cushion so I don't have to use Harold's
recliner/massager/heater/ice chest/remote control/telephone/chair at the bachelor pad.

P.S. You must order by 12pm tonight for guaranteed Christmas delivery!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Winter Recital

Saturday evening the girls took to the stage and put on a real show.
I love their confidence and the way they shine under the flashy stage lights and makeup.
They have dazzling vibrant spirits with great things ahead of them.
I just know it.
Seeing my daughters walk onstage is an emotional feeling.
I cry- a lot, every time.
I cry because I am happy, I am so proud of them and all that they are accomplishing,
I cry because their little bodies are so beautiful and perfect.
I am never really prepared for it, but when it happens it is a magical moment in a mother's life.
Kingston sat quietly with his eyes glued to the stage, watching every move.
He is their biggest fan and doesn't mind watching cute girls in tutus'.

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{Dee Dee on vault & Kaili on high beam} {Kaili on vault}
Someday soon I promise to post a video of my sweet ballerina, Kendra.
She is a natural dancer who eloquently flows with such grace and poise.
All eyes are fixed on her and want to follow her every step because her smile is contagious, her arms are like angel wings, her toes sparkle with every jette, it stirs your soul and leaves you wanting more because it is peaceful yet captivating.


I have a really exciting surprise in store for them this weekend.
I can't wait!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My dear son has fallen into some addictive habits.
Who can resist the bright joyful holiday catalogs that bring happiness to the coldest winter day. Or a greeting card full of smiling familiar faces to display on the mantle.
What if the 'box man' has left a package for under the tree.
Jiminy Christmas, I am feeling the urge again!

My mailbox has never been so empty- in a good way.
I am that lady who never checks her mail.
It is usually overflowing, shoved in so tight I can barely claw it out with a pick and a bucket.
My rule of thumb is if the water isn't shut off,
All is well.

It wasn't until I noticed my sister almost ritually checking her mail,
I yelled out my window to her,
"You are a slave to your mailbox!"
She said something that I never considered, until then...
"This is what NORMAL people do!"

Speaking of normal,
Mr. Patterson just walked into our room with a mouth full of mixed nuts, drinking Coca-Cola from my good stemware, listening to My Chick Bad on his IPad.
Excuse me while I take him back to his mother.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Taking Chances

This picture was taken 5 years ago this Christmas.
I am sure you noticed Kaili's self bang cut.
Aside from that, they were the most precious little girls.
I loved when life was simple and I had them to myself all day.
Just me and ma' girls.

Today Edwin and I picked them up from dance together.
We haven't had a lot of 'alone' time recently so we take any chance we can get.
As King slept- snoring in his car seat, we talked about these sweet girls of ours.
We talked about their talents, the things they enjoy and make them laugh.
Edwin told me how proud he is of them and that they are the absolute light of his life.

Then I adoringly gazed into his bright blue eyes and added
that they are blessed to have each other.
That's when he disclosed they were blessed with a caring, wonderfully voluptuous mother.
And I rendered they had a kind, strong, manly father.
Then we pulled over.
The End.